I wrote the following in reply to friends telling me I should roll up my sleeve and get vaxed, help the team of 5 million. Deny my opinion in order to help the country get to 90% double vaxed.
Yes if Covid 19 was as deadly as the bubonic plague I’d agree with you but it isn’t. Maybe, temporarily, I’d agree with you if the ‘vaccine’ was a sterilising vaccine, which it isn’t, and it worked and was proven to be safe.
My hackles started rising when your ‘friend’ Trump, hee hee, suggested that there’d be a vaccine coming ASAP. Never have they, the vaccine developers, been able to produce a vaccine for corona viruses. I was suspicious from the get go. Previous vaccines have taken years to come to market, not months. There have been major harms from vaccine ‘disasters’ in the past. My dad a rural GP prided himself in not prescribing Thalidomide to any of his patients. I am my father’s son with regards these new products.
What we actually have are some totally new products for humans that don’t fit the definition of a vaccine, well they didn’t until the definition was changed – convenient!!!. A vaccine used to be something that caused immunity – now it’s something which stimulates the immune system and or protects against effects of disease – you know like vitamin C. If these products were not marketed as vaccines but as drugs, they would not have been embraced as much as they have.
These products don’t produce immunity to infection to this latest SARS virus – they reduce infection, for a while. We were lied to. They don’t prevent transmission. They may reduce it. We were lied too. Within six months the effectiveness is wearing off or worn off. No immunity, not sterilising vaccines – we were lied to. Very short periods of effectiveness – we were lied to. We are going to need six monthly booster for crying out loud. What will these do to our immune system – nobody knows. The evidence that the vaccinated can be infected and transmit infection is in. No one is arguing about this anymore.
In the Republic of Ireland, however, health officials are running out of people to blame. This has become embarrassingly obvious in County Waterford. As reported in the Irish Times, the nation’s establishment newspaper, two of the three most COVID-infected electoral areas in Ireland are located in the county “with the highest rate of vaccination in the country.” In Waterford, a remarkable 99.7 percent of adults over the age of 18 is fully vaccinated. https://spectator.org/irish-quandary-who-to-blame-when-everyones-vaxxed/
The vaccinated as a mass of people have become an environment in which vaccine escape variants will arise, have done so already, ie the delta; maybe the next one will be more troublesome. Infected vaccinated folk will feel immune, may not know they are transmitters. Some will become super spreaders. Who can blame them, they’ve been misled. Folk like me will more than likely go to bed when infected. Recent evidence has come out showing the vaccinated, when infected, may carry a more infectious variant than the great unwashed, the unvaccinated. We could all end up confronting a much more serious disease down the road a bit: no one frigging knows. If we do, will it have been the vaccinated who enabled this?
There is no effective monitoring system. VAERS is signalling major trouble ahead and its being ignored. These products have not been thru animal testing which vaccines usually go thru for several years. The company leaflet in USA and FDA say not enough information re pregnancy, fertility and there is very sparse date on kids, yet NZ experts and blurb say its safe; strange indeed. They don’t have enough evidence to be so certain. A Kiwi paper calls for halt in use of these products in pregnancy and for kids. We have little idea on medium and long term side effects for any of us There is, as far as I know, no long term studies on the effect of these nanoparticles on humans either. It’s a huge experiment. These products are supposed to stay in the injection site and local lymph nodes. The spike protein is being found all over the body in some folk and its looking like it is toxic. They don’t even aspirate when injecting to insure the very unlikely chance of the product being injected into a vein doesn’t happen – bonkers!
I bet the drug companies are not liable for anything, even for negligence, in NZ. In USA they aren’t using Comirnaty. They are still under EUA, using an unapproved product that isn’t called Comirnaty but is. While under EUA they are protected from being sued. Once they get the vaccine okayed and on the kid schedule, they will be fully protected. If not on kids schedule and fully approved there would be some liability. Wonder why the enormous push to vaccinate kids!
Have a read of this. Put it together with first hand story of a trial volunteer for Pfizer, now whistle blower, who had a reaction to her first shot, and was booted off trial. Pfizer says she left. She says she was booted and her reaction didn’t become part of the reported adverse reaction set. Many months later she is struggling with electrical body pains. She is a very sane science type person. Her testimony is at 2.09.30. The whole three hours should be watched by the entire planet. It was an emotional experience for me. Is the media informing us about the shenanigans this BMJ article points to – why not?
This next guy is a bit over the top. Who can blame him. He is angry. Read his information on VAERS and adverse effects of vaccine. If he is anywhere close to the truth we are in trouble. He has sunk a lot of money into his research. I believe he funded the trials that show fluvoxamine is an effective treatment for Covid 19. Have you heard of this? Is media avoiding telling us about it? He first came to the public eye in this podcast. This is a condensed version.
Do you know that no one has access to the raw data of these vaccine trials besides company people. So we have only one Pfizer trial on their product with no access to raw data. All scientist know you need more than one RCT. What about an RCT by those with no billion dollar conflict of interest being done. Drug companies set their trials up to succeed rather than to test an hypothesis. They have now given the placebo arm folk the vaccine and so there can be no long term adverse reaction RCT data. There were 40,000 odd on this six month trial. 15 deaths on vaccine arm and 14 on placebo. No reduction in all cause mortality. Read that last sentence again please. Guess what the median age of participants was, mid fifties. Why would anyone experiment on this age group rather than the age groups in which folk are actually dying?? All they had to show was a reduction in infection. They didn’t have to prove a reduction in deaths to get EUA – emergency use authorisation.
Read Peter Gotzsche book Deadly medicines and organised crime to be blown away by what big pharma gets up to. Peter was one of the cofounders of The Cochrane Collaboration. He got booted off the board. Can the Cochrane Collaboration be trusted now. Read this to get a feel for regulatory capture. It so depressing and sad. The destruction, it would appear, of something very valuable is underway. Looks like it’s a business for profit now, truth less important.
Covid isn’t a threat to kids – to mandate kids being vaccinated or scare the sh…t out of mums and dads so they get their kids vaccinated is absolutely insane. In my opinion its jail-able. They do not have the evidence to say it’s safe. We are going to vaccinate kids hoping old buggers like you and I might get an extra year on planet earth. Young males are getting myocarditis for crying out loud when there chances of getting serious illness from covid is close to bugger all. It’s insane. When you realise I am closer to right than you are in five years time you can buy me a beer.
It’s not just nutters who are concerned about this mass world wide vaccination imposition.
“As physician-researchers who have pioneered the invention of vaccines and other experimental drugs for over 30 years (against cancer), we feel compelled to highlight the need for caution and honest public debate about potential long-term consequences of the available COVID-19 vaccines. Operation Warp Speed successfully enabled rapid deployment of vaccines under emergency use authorization, but we believe there are urgent reasons to apply the brakes on mass vaccine mandates for children.”
Authors Larry W. Kwak, MD, Ph.D. was named to the TIME100 for his contributions to the science of cancer vaccines and is a former advisor to FDA; Steven T. Rosen, MD is Director of a U.S. National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center and a pioneer in the development of monoclonal antibody and precision drugs for cancer; Idit Shachar, Ph.D. served as a department chair at one of the world’s leading scientific research institutes in Israel and has been awarded several patents for treatment of autoimmunity and cancer
My chances of surviving covid when I get it is around 95%. In next couple of years I am more likely to die of something else. Oh and the drop off in effectiveness re ’these products’ is more in males, the elderly and those with co morbidities, ie the ones that need the benefit. How successful would trials be with these folk being the subjects? And as for pregnant women and the claims about these products being safe – hmmmm. Here’s what is says on package insert. Available data on COMIRNATY administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy. Remember thalidomide – we could have something like that happening. I hope not.
We have absolutely no idea what the adverse effects to endless boosters will be, for example, to the immune system – think cancer, autoimmune disease etc etc. We do know that second jab has more adverse reactions associated with it than first so what about 3rd 4th etc – we will find out. What about kids – a lifetime of boosters!!! What about the millions of people who have had Covid-19 and whose immunity is as good as and more than likely better than post vaccination – why the f..ing hell force them to be vaccinated for no benefit and it looks like increased risk. The insanity of it all is mind exploding! The whole thing is a fricking mess. We could end with a very nasty variant.
We are all going to get this bug, well nearly all of us. I am 75. My chances of surviving it, when I get it, is 95%. This calculator tells me my risk during a covid wave. In other words in a crowd of 10,000 people with the same risk factors, 9 are likely to catch and die from COVID-19 and 21 to be admitted to hospital during a 90 day period similar to the recent peak.
Yes covid may kill me but covid is not the bubonic plague – nothing like it.
Check out the Amish and how they dealt with it!! They think they are home and hosed. They had ‘chickenpox parties’ – well church gatherings with unwell and well together. However the vaccination programme may produce a variant that’ll give them and all of us vaccinated and unvaccinated a very unpleasant shock.
Oh by the way I appreciate your forth rightness
Sleep well
ta ra.
Please let me know what you think and correct me if needs be. I don’t know about you. I want the freedom to travel and be unvaxed, visit family friends and lovers
PS One more, a video from Peter Doshi – he was an editor for BMJ
PPS OMG new pharma drug, a protease inhibitor – does it have same mechanism of action as ivermectin. Have you been told about this on the news. Ivermectin might be better. Has the media jumped on this one – of course not, pack of stenographers.
The life force needs releasing in all of us and supporting in others – difficult times ahead.
Let’s give up being slaves. It may feel easier being one, being compliant but in the long term…….we will be damaged.
Who or whatever created us must be scratching his her its head in dismay.
My face book page has heaps of links https://www.facebook.com/andrew.bell.16718979/
Google Geert Vanden Bossche, Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch
Brilliant uncle Andrew. Thank you so much for sharing, you may have just completely tipped me into the “my kids aren’t getting vaxxed” camp.
Bloody brilliant summary of a huge amount of information well done ? I’d rather take my chances getting the flu than ending up a shaking wreck or worse from the injection ? that’s for sure.