- The CDC recently changed its definition of the term vaccine. A vaccine used to be something that generates immunity. As is becoming clear mRNA products don’t immunise. Classifying these products as vaccines enabled acceptance. It was and is a con.
- The lipid nano particles, the delivery of mRNA into the cells and the narrow targeting of the Corona virus Spike protein are all new products and or methods to our bodies. We have no long term safety data and we have incomplete or inadequate short term safety data.
- Comirnaty causes ribosomes to produce Spike protein. Spike protein is toxic and post ‘vaccination’ it may enter the circulation. How long does it persist? What harm does it cause? We are finding out. Here and here and here and here and here.
- The main expected benefit of Comirnaty, sterilising immunity, has not materialised. Herd immunity isn’t happening, can’t happen. We were misled.
- The effectiveness, initially seen in Pfizer’s RCT (randomised controlled trial), a reduction in the numbers of people infected, wanes in a few months. It looks like the waning is more pronounced in the elderly and infirm.
- Three or six monthly boosters are now on the menu. Boosters are an evidence free zone.
- There is no evidence of a reduction in death from all causes in Pfizer’s RCT, (randomised controlled trial) for those taking Comirnaty. There were 15 (later 20) deaths in the vaccinated group and 14 in the unvaccinated. The trend here is in the wrong direction.
- There is conflicting interpretations of real life data with regards to all cause mortality.The all-cause, age-adjusted death rate is currently higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. One can find papers saying the exact opposite. Time will tell. There’s something going on with excess deaths and excess non-covid deaths 2021 compared to 2020 that needs clarifying. If you think things are hunky dory listen to this three hour senate hearing.
- In the Pfizer RCT there were 30% more SAEs, (serious adverse events), in the vaccinated group. We are told they were mainly minor, nothing to be concerned about.
- The VAERS (vaccine adverse events reporting system) in the US collects and collates SAEs reports from around the world. It’s an early warning system. It is there for researchers to pick up the smoke signals.
- There is a chart of SAEs from the VAERS data. Click and scroll down to see chart. It covers the last 50 or more year. It shows a massive exponential-looking spike in serious adverse events, including death, mostly occurring in first few days after vaccination.The powers that be don’t seem to be concerned about this. Somehow this massive spike isn’t a smoke signal. It is for me. This person thinks is also.
- The Pfizer RCT was designed, run, analysed and reported on by people beholden to Pfizer. There have been no RCTs performed by non Pfizer researchers to confirm or deny Pfizer’s claims, that I know of. All we have is Pfizer’s interpretation of their raw data. No one outside of Pfizer’s purview has access to the raw trial data. Most people working for Pfizer have an obvious conflict of interest, as do Pfizer’s contracted researchers. We are relying on RCTs like Pfizer’s to vaccinate the entire planet. Error and or corruption could lead to catastrophic realities. If the FDA approves, it’s a zillion dollar bonanza for Pfizer.
- The incentives are clearly not aligned with public safety. These companies do not deserve our blind trust. That Pfizer didn’t show a drop in all cause mortality leaves me unimpressed.
- RCT participant stories, presented in a US senate hearing, are sad and disturbing. They indicate that gaming of adverse events goes on and inconvenient outcomes may not see the light of day. A recent research company whistleblower’s story in the BMJ doesn’t help Pfizer’s case either. Listen to the story of Brianne, a trial participant. It starts at 2hrs 40 minutes. Her story might make you wonder. There are growing numbers of concerning anecdotal stories of myocarditis, heart attacks, neurological troubles etc.
- We are told it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It’s not turning out that way. The Lancet concludes with this to say:- It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures. Places 100% vaccinated are having a Covid wave, ie Gibraltar. The first person in our district with Covid was vaccinated. Many stories of OMICRON infecting the vaccinated.
- Only 4% of the participants in the Pfizer RCT were aged 75+. There weren’t enough elderly people in the trial to determine Comirnaty’s effectiveness for them. It’s not reasonable to assume the elderly will benefit as much as a younger population. The immune system in the elderly is less responsive and they are more likely to have adverse events.
- The immune system is extremely complex – not fully understood. Trying to understand ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement), Antigenic Sin and other issues such as auto-immune complications and the potential for enabling cancer pathways is way too tough for me. These scary possibilities were not tested for by Pfizer. It’s possible those who have been vaccinated will regret it.
- Can anyone tell me to what extent my 95% chance of surviving Covid improves with taking Comirnaty? Will I get an extra 3%? Is it worth all the risks knowns and not known. If I survive Covid, I will end up with excellent immunity and with no need for regular boosters. I won’t have altered my immune system in any potentially harmful ways. I will have avoided all known and yet to be known Comirnaty and booster adverse events.
There is more that concerns me
- Comirnaty has not been tested for any mutagenic or carcinogenic potential or for effects on fertility. If this wasn’t approved under EUA these tests would have been done. See package insert.
- The package insert says not enough data to evaluate safety in pregnancy or breast feeding. Yet it’s being promoted as safe and effective.
- Sexually active people not taking contraception were excluded from the trial. We can’t know the effects of Comirnaty on conception and early foetal development. See package insert.
- Immunocompromised people and others were also excluded from the trial. Is Comirnaty safe for those with excluded conditions?
- Covid does not harm children. There is no chance of a child benefiting from taking Comirnaty. It’s all harm and no benefit for kids. yet its being heavily promoted.
- The benefit for young men is almost non existent yet there is a very real chance, a small one, their life could be ruined by myocarditis.
- By mass vaccinating during a pandemic we could end up with a viciously virulent vaccine-resistant virus that could have catastrophic effects
- Vaccinated people could find their innate immune system suppressed and be in big trouble. Controversial and what happens if true.
- Both vaccinated and unvaccinated can be infectious transmitters.To pit the vaccinated against the unvaccinated is insane.
- The lockdowns and mandates are destroying businesses, relationships and the health of individuals. We will look back and realise we fucked up and fucked up badly.
- Ivermectin has a strong signal of a life saving benefit with Covid. It’s a very safe drug. It could reduce your chances of dying from Covid. Your doctor’s will refuse to let you have it along with any other similarly repurposed drugs. This is insanity. Those that blocked these drugs need to go to jail. Goodness knows how many people have died because of the greed of some and cowardice of others. A wee rave.
- These three doctors are a great example of the madness that has drifted into our world. They speak about informed consent and involving their patients in decision making. It all sounds just as things should be, used to be. Yet they are being investigated and threatened with loss of licence for promoting vaccine hesitancy or Ivermectin or something someone somewhere wants to put a stop to. To inform is now a sin? Is 1984 madness with us?
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” —C. S. Lewis