Email your doctor and ask her or him if they will prescribe Ivermectin for you when you get Covid, which you almost certainly will, even if you are vaccinated. Ask if you can have an Ivermectin script now, so it’s ready to use when needed, along with some vitamin D and Zinc etc. So you won’t need to bother your doctor when the time comes, when things become really hectic, hospitals are over flowing.
You will be told there is no evidence to support Ivermectin’s use.
Thing is you know there is evidence. So you send them a Forest plot graph showing 60 odd RCTs demonstrating benefit – all results lying on the beneficial side of the line. Here is some evidence doctor. It looks pretty good to me. Your GP will have a negative view of this evidence, argue for the meaningless of it, poorly done trials, biases etc.
Being persistent, you could now send them a meta-analysis done by Tess Lawrie and her group. This concludes Ivermectin should be used to treat Covid. If your GP is hanging in there, she or he will probably come back with a meta analysis performed by the Cochrane Collaboration which concludes, there is no good evidence supporting the use of Ivermectin in Covid. They did suggest it being tested in RCTs, randomised controlled trials – a tell tale sign for me. Why would they suggest this, if there was no signal of a benefit. It’s called arse covering.
You could at this point show your GP press stories claiming that the Cochrane Collaboration was captured by the corporate world when they got rid of one of the founding members. You could also give them a very detailed critique of the Cochrane opinion/conclusion you found. There’s a battle going on.
Does Ivermectin work or not? No properly conducted decent sized RCTs have been performed. So the answer is who knows. Looks like it might. So why have no good RCTs been done? Great question.
There are many doctors round the world using Ivermectin claiming it works and some saying the effects are dramatic. As it has no serious side effects why the hell are we not using it or trying it out. Finally you tell your GP that the evidence is good enough for you and you’d like a script. You’ve checked up on things. Your GP could prescribe this for you. You know it. They know it. You will sign anything he or she needs. So why will they still refuse you. Isn’t your GP an independent practitioner? Does he or she have a mind of their own?
You could now point out that Big Pharma is about to come out with a protease inhibitor which they claim interferes with covid virus replication. Your GP might say they are aware it’s coming and they hope it works. Now you point to evidence that Ivermectin has protease inhibiting capabilities too and more of them than Big Pharma’s new patentable drug. Check mate you think. No way.
Almost certainly you will be told no government agency or GP accrediting organisation supports the use of Ivermectin for Covid. You have seen when you google Ivermectin and Covid that there are pages of negative press about Ivermectin. Articles about doctors being threatened with censure and loss of licence to practice if they prescribe it. If you are like me, this barrage of negative information makes you wonder what on earth is going on. It’s almost certain there has been and is a concerted propagandas campaign to deny its use. Why such a massive effort? Hmmmm. Why not just do the trial and do it two years ago.
GPs were (? are) allowed to prescribe off label, if it could/can be justified, if there was/is evidence to support so doing. We didn’t need permission. I could justify using it right now with a fully informed patient. There is enough evidence of benefit and it’s got a safety profile that is well known. I’d probably discuss it with some colleagues first – to check on my thinking and get some backing – if I wasn’t retired. Decision by committee – emasculation of the individual GP, is the order of the day it seems.
I don’t see or hear of GPs standing up for their right to prescribe off label. Your GP’s licence to practice is in the hands of a committee or two. They need permission to prescribe off label, it seems. If they prescribe it without, they will be in the deep doo doo. They have been threatened. The reality is, GPs are no longer independent practitioners. They are obedient foot solders – followers of orders. We were told guidelines would never become rules. Well they have. Don’t follow the guidelines and you is in trouble brother.
There is a pandemic of cowardice through out the world. My old profession needs to stop cowering in the corner. Power needs to be decentralised. Loss of licence for courts to decide – not committees.
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